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Activities: Summerseason 2000 Yeah... start of the summerseason
Date: 05. april 2000 Beginn of the soccerseason 2000
Place: Soccerstadium at Saint Fiden College
Time: at 6 p.m
Date: 18th - 21th mai 2000
Event: Trip to Budapest (Hungary)
Informations: Participants are informed thru our organisator Kurt Mostert (usually at the very last minute!)
Date: 19th june 2000 Soccergame vs. FC Suva
Place: Stadium Zil (St. Gall - East)
Time: at 6 p.m
Date: NEW1.GIF (1433 Byte)30th june 2000 BBQ-Party chez Düse
Place: 6 p.m at restaurant Barcelona in St. Gall
Activities: Winterseason 2000